All Aboard…
In this final end of term blog from Artistic Director - Zac Hackett, he shares what an incredible journey TramShed have been on throughout the last 16 months and what excitement the future holds for the organisation next!

The Year the World Stood Still
In a year that has challenged so many areas of our lives, Chair of the Board - Luke Fox, shares his reflections on TramShed’s journey.

Change Can Be a Wonderful Thing?
Eve speaks openly and honestly about her role as a TramShed Arts Practitioner and how she has tackled many changes throughout her journey so far.

Friends, Trips Out, Sea Glass and Plants
Thanks to technology, Berni has continued to stay connected with the world throughout lockdown. But thanks to TramShed, those connections have taken her on a wonderful journey.

Holiday Reviews: Lockdown “Worst Holiday Ever!”
As lockdown took hold, Vicky talks about the worries she had for TramShed, as the discussions of digital theatre, became a reality.

What Has Volunteering Ever Done For Me?
An honest reflection of how being a volunteer at TramShed has helped to shape so many other things in Shelley’s life.

Just Can’t Get Enough
A reflective account of Eleanor’s experiences as an Arts Practitioner and returning Guest Artist, in a world of inclusive theatre.

Writing with Passion!!
A TramShed family at the heart of our online inclusive theatre programme. Here are Julie’s thoughts on all things TramShed.

Positively Speaking
A positive reflection of lockdown, through the eyes of Senior Arts Practitioner - Tina Murray.

Phoenix Rising from the Ashes
The experience and challenges of moving to online inclusive theatre, from long standing member Kathleen Paintin.
Online inclusive theatre experiences through the eyes of a dedicated TramShed parent, Latrisha Humphreys.

Silver Arts Award: Challenges, Games and Outtakes!
The online experiences and reflections from TramShed’s Silver Arts Award members.

What’s in the Box?
An honest reflection of lockdown experiences through the eyes of Adult Volunteer Team Member - Sophie England.

The Bad and The Good
An incite into the role of a Volunteer at TramShed and adaptation through lockdown.

Arts Practitioner A-Z
An interesting A-Z of Emma’s first full year as a TramShed Arts Practitioner.