Shed Stories
Funded by Arts Council England, Shed Stories is a Theatre in Education strand within TramShed’s programme of activities. The projects are carefully linked to important areas of the National Curriculum, including e-safety and PSHE. We reach out to SEN, EYFS and KS1-KS5 within our activities and use our inclusive approach and experience to ensure the content is accessible, engaging, creative and informative. The visits are delivered by our artistic team, who have a wealth of experience in inclusive theatre practice. Each visit within the Shed Stories programme, can include a performance, inclusive workshop and additional information within a Digital Download booklet, for continuation learning. All projects are always tailored to the needs to the pupils involved.
Whether we are exploring the importance of safety when using the internet or going for tea with Goldilocks. The TramShed artistic team take audiences on a journey of creative and inclusive theatre performance, that offers a professional and interactive experience.
After School Clubs
TramShed have a variety of After School Clubs available to explore inclusive performing arts. Workshop packages can be tailored to the needs of the school.
We have a varied and well-developed workshop programme which can be tailored around any theme, whilst enhancing the National Curriculum. Workshops can also be added to performance visits to enable participants the opportunity to explore themes in more depth.