The Year the World Stood Still
In 2018 I became a Trustee for TramShed Theatre Company and shortly after was honoured to become the Chair of the Trustee Board. I had been a Volunteer for TramShed since 2015, but due to the birth of my first son would not be able to attend workshops and so continued contributing in any way I could to TramShed.
Change Makers - July 2017
During the first years of being a Trustee, myself and the board worked hard to ensure we helped guide TramShed through its 5 year vision plan, set in place by our predecessors on the board.
2020 will always be remembered as the year the world stood still, people stayed home, shops closed, social events ceased, so much we took for granted came to an abrupt halt. On 23rd March 2020, the UK government announced a stay-at-home order preventing all nonessential travel and gatherings. Prior to this on 17th March I received an email from Zac, the government guidelines had recommended we stop all nonessential contact meaning TramShed workshops would not be possible and would have to be stopped with immediate effect.
At this time, I feared for the future of TramShed, all workshops cancelled indefinitely, the summer show cancelled, with a view to possibly return in September. TramShed is a charity and is often funded in such a way that restricts funding to specific projects, without being able to deliver those projects, TramShed was facing a real worry that we would not be able to continue financially.
Within one week, Zac and Tina had contacted 95% our membership to inform them of the closures and Zac and the team had begun delivering weekly online challenges to the membership, to keep everyone involved with TramShed activities. Within one month funding bids had been submitted and accepted and fundraising events such as quiz nights were being planned. At this time, the ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ project was being put together, new equipment was being purchased and sent out to the Arts Team, TramShed was adapting rapidly to survive the pandemic.
TramShed has been able to survive throughout the pandemic due to the passion, dedication and adaptability of Zac and the Arts Team. We have not only been able to survive, we have also been able to adapt the way TramShed functions to be able to continue delivering shows, workshops and training to our members and volunteers. It has been amazing to see so many of our members pull together and still be able to participate and support TramShed throughout lockdown.
I particularly enjoyed seeing how a show was put together and delivered on a platform which was previously unfamiliar. Somehow, even though the ‘TramShed Over the Rainbow’ show was delivered online, it was performed at the same high standard always produced by our members and captured the unique charm of TramShed shows. Here we are, coming up to the next shows to be delivered online. I am excited for the future of TramShed, as I feel that now we have begun these huge changes, we have access to new skills and experiences which will allow TramShed to continue to grow and share its inclusive vision.
Luke Fox
Chair of the Board of Trustees