Arts Practitioner A-Z

Emma Rucastle - Arts Practitioner

Emma Rucastle - Arts Practitioner

Just over a year ago, Zac and I were planning to start the Silver Arts Award for TramShed and the week before the first lockdown, I came to Woodlands to talk to prospective participants. I haven’t been there since, of course; instead, my TramShed work has almost all been delivered via my laptop from home, with my trusty screen backdrop! Nevertheless, over the last year, I have come to feel a real part of the TramShed family and love seeing now-familiar faces on the screen every session and meeting. Here is an A-Z of my first full year as a TramShed Arts Practitioner.

A is for the Arts Practitioner Team: a brilliant team of which I am lucky to be a part.

B is for Break-Out Rooms, which allow TramShed Members to work in groups on a range of creative tasks.

C is for Creative Signing to a wide variety of songs.

D is for Devising – the beginning stage of every new play, where all ideas are welcomed and tried.

E is for Energy Ball and all the other warm-ups we enjoy each session.

F is for Feather Dusters – and all the other unexpected props that have appeared during online workshops!

G is for Guessing the Murderer; the Cluedo Workshops were some of my favourites in the first online programme.

H is for the Happiness TramShed brings to so many.

I is for Inclusivity: the lifeblood of TramShed.

J is for Joining Other Sheds; we had some great workshops with CottonShed in autumn/winter 2020.

K is for my Kitchen – which is where I sit for TramShed sessions as it’s where my internet connection is strongest!

L is for Laughter, one of the most regular sounds in any TramShed workshop.

M is for Meetings on Mondays: getting together as an APT to plan the sessions ahead.

N is for Names – changing them on Zoom to suit different workshop characters (and forgetting to change them back!).

O is for Outtakes – far too many to mention!

P is for the Piers: South, Central and North and the wide variety of workshops we share.

Q is for Quizzes. TramShed does the best online parties and quizzes are a great fun part!

R is for Rainbows, an integral part of the first online programme: Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

S is for Silver Arts Award, my first online Arts Award Delivery with a group of very hard-working young people.

T is for TramShed Over The Rainbow, TramShed’s first ever online performance, streamed live on October 3rd 2020 to a very appreciative audience.

U is for uniform – and wearing it with pride.

V is for Volunteers – such important people in every workshop.

W is for the Wider TramShed Family – trustees, TramShed Voice, parents, supporters, friends...

X is for eXciting* developments ahead with the Summer Show, podcasts and more. *Everyone always cheats with X.

Y is for a Year unlike any other.

Z is for Zac. And Zoom. TramShed couldn’t have kept going so strongly through the pandemic without either of them!


Emma Rucastle

Arts Practitioner


The Bad and The Good


The Journey So Far