Artistic Director - June Star of the Month
The TramShed members are working incredibly hard during our creative programme. Every week they are achieving great things and giving workshops their all to create inclusive theatre. We would like to highlight some of the wonderful achievements by giving a special award to one member every month. This also gives us a lovely opportunity to share more about our members and the important work that goes on at TramShed.
Adam Clarke
This month the Artistic Director ‘Star of the Month’ goes to Adam Clarke. Adam has been a member at TramShed since he was 7 years old and has progressed through our Children’s Theatre, Youth Theatre and now attends the Young Adult Company. In addition to this, Adam is also part of our Youth Volunteer Team.
As we move towards performances, the pace really does pick up in the workshop space and we need everyone to be focussed and energised when attending. Adam has been leading by example this month and always attends TramShed with bags of energy. He puts a great amount of work into not just his own musical numbers, but also those in which he volunteers and supports in. Encouraging those around him to do their absolute best. Such dedication is so important to us at TramShed, especially when working towards an end goal. Thank you for giving a wonderful demonstration of an inclusive approach Adam. Keep up the good work.
Zac Hackett
Artistic Director